La Table Cafe


Ta Khmao, Kandal Province, Cambodia

River Garden Cafe and restaurant.
We twinned our passion to offer you the most impressive experience.


• Captivating garden
• Edible flowers
• Delightful Khmer restaurant
• Coffee
• Lotus Meditation Center
• Quiet place


An enchanting destination that seamlessly blends the allure of nature, delectable Khmer cuisine.

As you step into our sprawling garden, you'll be greeted by a kaleidoscope of vibrant edible flowers, creating a mesmerizing sight that ignites your senses.

Indulge in a culinary adventure at our Khmer restaurant, where our skilled chefs craft tantalizing dishes using the finest locally sourced ingredients. From fragrant curries to savory stir-fries, each bite showcases the authentic flavors and rich heritage of Khmer cuisine.

Don't forget to savor a cup of our renowned coffee, renowned for its smoothness and aromatic notes that will delight your taste buds.

For a moment of tranquility, visit our Lotus Meditation Center nestled amidst the serene surroundings of the farm. Find solace in the gentle rustling of leaves as you embark on a meditative journey guided by experienced instructors.
Discover inner harmony and rejuvenation as you immerse yourself in mindfulness practices in this serene oasis.

We speak

English, French, Khmer